Back on Track

So, I am back on track for this week. I am working on my series, High Fever. Kodoku is getting two chapters on Valentine’s day. I am starting the second cour of The Fall on Thursday. There will be another chapter in Kodoku the week after that. From there, I will see what happens there.

I finally finished A Million Little Things. The ending was fine. I will be watching something new tomorrow. It’s going to be a JDrama called An Encouragement of Love. I might try to get back into Last Tango in Halifax. I will have to see how I feel. While I do that, you can…

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Status Update

Yes, we are all stuck indoors until further notice. I am still writing as usual. I am trying to get back to my Sims game again. My class has pretty much gone up in smoke. It can’t be taught online. (It’s a hands-on class.) Schools got closed down for the teachers in a couple of days. It’s just really nuts right now.

My cooking is still going well. I don’t know what I am doing this week. I might have enough ingredients to do it. I am still walking and I will expand my route on Wednesday. I will get back to looking for a job again. I think I will get lucky due to the current situation.

I am not going to enjoy April, AKA the Slog. The world being shut down will make it worse. But I will try and get through this. I still have my writing and Sims. Plus, there are plenty of things to watch on streaming apps/sites. And I have my podcasts. I know you will get through this all the same. And do me a favor and…

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Two Days Behind. (It’s Sad, I Know)

I have to work on time management much better. I don’t know what’s happening this week with me. Monday, I ran out of time. Last night was a bit better but now I am trying to update Celty (Again. It’s such a pain, honestly. Wish me luck this time.)

In positive news, I got my TV fixed at last. I have the menu back up to watch the different apps. Plus, I can watch Netflix and Hulu without any problems now. I got back into watching Luicfer again. I need to get caught up on season three and then go to season four. I got to see Spiderman: Homecoming and Thor: The Dark World last night too. They were good, actually. I liked the first Thor movie more than the second one. They just had fun with Spiderman. Yes, I keep falling down the Marvel Rabbit Hole. I have ten more movies to go before I am caught up. I already have Ant Man and the Wasp in my Netflix queue. I will add Rangnorok tomorrow too. I just need the right time to watch them.

Writing is going well. I don’t think I will be finishing anything this month. Next month, maybe. I will have to see. I don’t have much planned this month. I will try to get another job and stop being so lazy. I need to more active to go further. Things have gotten stale lately. Time to spice things up to make my life that much better. While I attempt that…

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Not Much Has Changed Since Last Week

Just as the title suggests, not much has changed. I am still working with two clients at the moment. Got the first draft of one article done. (I have to go back and add some things to the piece.) My Wasteland Project is going well. I don’t think I will be really finishing anything this month. Series-wise, at least. There might be a collection or two that will be finished this month. I will have to go back and check.

I started season three of Stranger Things yesterday. It looks good so far. I got some good laughs out if. I am intrigued to see where everything is going. Meanwhile, I need to get caught up on My Husband Won’t Fit. It’s decent but I am confused on why the MC doesn’t just go to the doctor with her problem with her husband. I mean, sure it’s a different culture, but going to the doctor wouldn’t hurt. Just saying.

Yesterday, I caught a frog in my house. He was as big as my hand. The frog just hopped across the floor and under some furniture. The little cutie went outside and I was made to wash my hands. My mom screamed and had me put him outside.

I don’t have much to report this week. Maybe next week, dears. But for now…

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Two More Weeks Before the Fun Begins

I am so antsy. I want to get started on the Wasteland Project so badly. Tea Leaves and Sapphire Earrings would have to be first. I can’t wait! But I will have to because that’s just how it is.

I got to see the first Iron Man movie last night. It was pretty entertaining. Two hours and fifty-three minutes but it doesn’t feel like it. I give it a Download it. (9/10). I will have to see the rest of the movies in the MCU now. For now, I will pick back up on Atlanta in a couple of weeks. Then it’s going to be Synecdoche, New York and Black Mirror. Next month, it will be Stranger Things. That and my Wasteland Project will be a blast on the 23rd to 24th.

I dropped the podcast, Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby. I couldn’t stand Liv’s constant feminist rants. We get it! It sucked to be a woman back in Ancient Greece! You don’t have to remind us every ten seconds. Could I have some mythology, please? (This coming from another woman too.) I still have the Mythology podcast from Paracast. Plus, I downloaded another podcast called Mythology and Legends. I will let you know what I think about it.

That’s all I have to say for now. I wanted to do another podcast review. Maybe I will do one next week. I will have to see if I remember or not. For now…

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R.I.P. iTunes

That’s right, iTunes is going to the big Mac laptop in the sky. After eighteen years, Apple is getting rid of it and breaking it down into three apps for music, TV, and podcasts. I am concerned with if they will work for my iPod. I will have to see.

I am getting used to driving a Prius. I am learning how to drive one because my car might end up going bye-bye. Right now, the horn died and I can’t drive it until it gets fixed. (Apparently, it is dangerous and illegal to drive around with no horn.) So far, I am getting down the basics. I am still not used to not having to put the car in park when I stop. Other than that, I am handling it well.

I just finished season one of Fresh Meat. It’s entertaining so far. My favorites would have to be Howard and JP. (I kind of want to slap JP but then it again it was just season one. He’ll probably change as the show goes on.) Season five of Black Mirror comes out in two days. I will hold onto that until later this month when I start season eight of the Wasteland Project on the twenty-third. (I’m mad they are taking Durarara x2 off of Netflix.)

I will be finishing Common this month and starting a new series called Taki High. What that will be about, you will have to see. I am wrapping up season eight or nine of Earth Child this week. I think that’s it for now. Meanwhile, you can…

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April is Done and Now to Wade Through May

So glad that April finally ended last week. Now, I have to survive May. It isn’t too bad, though. I finally got to see I am Not an Easy Man and Kung Fu Hustle. Both of them are good movies. I am Not an Easy Man was a bit confusing and the ending was rather abrupt. Kung Fu Hustle knows what it is and doesn’t take itself too seriously. Tomorrow, I will start the series, Atlanta.

I plan to finish Dreamland this month. I think I will be doing that next week. Currently, I am working on a mini-series called Night Hawks Files. I already have chapter one posted on Wattpad and Inkitt. I will also go back to City Lounge: New York this week too. Another Ghost Doll fic will be finished this month too, maybe. I will have to see.

I can’t wait for June to get here so that I can start on season eight of my Wasteland Project. I get bored when I am not working on it. The wait is killing me. Here’s what doesn’t kill me…

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April is Still Dragging On

Why is it still April? I officially can’t stand April. I wish that we can skip over it and go to May. Anyway, next week, I will wrap up season two of Suburban Island.  I will wrap up another story this week too.

I finish One Outs this week too. It’s been a pretty good baseball anime. I don’t find myself annoyed with. Afterwards, I am going to try and finish up Ergo Proxy. Also, I am going to start a British show called Fresh Meat. I finally got to see Crazy Rich Asians on Easter. This movie was so worth it! I give it a “Shut Up and Take My Money” (10/10).

Spectrum kind of messed up with our package. We were supposed to have the Travel Channel, but we ended up with Animal Planet. I thought Animal Planet was just a freebie. Whoops. It’s going to get fixed in the morning.

I just want April to be over already. Oh well, for now…

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All April and No Fools

Well, we made it to April. Tomorrow, I will end Flame of Love. I plan to finish The Bisexual on Hulu this week too.  (I’m already halfway through anyway. So far, it’s been pretty good. Maybe I might do a review of it later. I will have to see.)

Now, I am working on Camp Nanowrimo. I am going to add more to this book I started last year started Circle of Friends. I don’t think I will get much of it done this month, but that’s cool. Camp is in April and July. So, I will try and get as much done this year. Wish me luck.

Things are still going good for me. I feel like I just need something new. Probably why I plan to watch about five or six things this month. It might be a little bit more depending on how things go. I might pick up something new along the way.

Other than Camp, there is Earth Child this year again. Plus, I will be working on Suburban Island II. There is a short piece I started on in February that I put on pause for The Month of No Gods. I will pick that up again this week. Plus, there is going to more City Lounge: New York this week too. Other than that, there isn’t much else to say tonight. So…

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I am Back

I have survived the storm.

I lost power Friday evening. I managed to finish my drafts before the battery in my laptop got too low. Power came back Saturday, but I had no internet. So, I played Sims and wrote to pass the time. The internet finally came back up on Sunday. So, I played catch up with my posting and writing. And now, here I am. I am alive, my home is okay, and my work is done.

I finished The Innocents today. The pacing is good and they didn’t reveal who the bad guys was until the season finale. I wonder what they are going to do for season two next year. Next, I will watch the movie, Threads. And then maybe check out The Conjuring. I will see how I fill. I need some new podcasts though.

Oh and I am resuming City Lounge: Berlin tomorrow. Until then…

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