Nothing Much has Changed

I need something new. January is almost over. I am starting to get bored with how things are going with this light load. There’s not much to report here. I am trying to beat the boredom and change things for my life and writing. All I can say is wish me luck and…

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Still Working Something Out

It is week three of my break from posting anything. Well, I did post something last week. I added a new story to my Cowboy Bebop side story collection. Other than that, it was just Wasteland stories again. Season twelve with be over in two weeks. I might go back to posting something when it’s over. I figured out what I am doing for the birthdays of the Durarara characters. I got started on it yesterday. I will have to figure out how to write about lonliness. I finished Girl from Nowhere yesterday and now I am back to Saki. I will try and figure out what to do. For now…

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Writing Exercise #9

I have always been a weird kid. I’ve grown since then. I had my issues when I was younger. I love to write. I also love anime, manga, Japanese things, British things, sweets, and swimming. I’m always writing every day. I tend to stay focused on the details. Oh, and I love music too. I proudly support the LGBTQ community. I’m always looking for more black horror out there. I used to not like horror but that too has changed over the years. I also like ASMR ambiance videos. I’m also a huge fan of smut. I write horror, romance, erotica, comedy, drama, poems, and stories. I work as a freelance writer. Lately, things have lulled on that front. But I am still hoping because I need the money for Pateron. Every October, I watch and review Asian horror movies. I like to be alone. I will talk to people though.

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That Annoying Little Phrase

“I have never been with [insert race/ethnicity here] chick before.”

This phrase, man.

You know what it sounds like when you tell us women of color? You are saying we are like a token or a quest to you. Like we’re just part of your sick sex quest for you. You don’t really want us. If a guy told me this, I would be like, “Excuse me?” It would be in your best interest to turn around and walk away. You deserve so much better.

We all do.

If he says this, you are not going to be loved as a person. You are just prize. You are just another notch in his bed. The same goes to the LGBT crowd that wanders onto this blog. You should not be courted because of your race. Those are the worst people out there. Turn around and run. I cannot stress this enough.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.

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To Outline or Not to Outline? That is the Question

To outline or not to outline? That is the question.

I thought about this after listening to Night Vale Presents’ podcast, Start With This. Their latest episode was about making an outline. Personally, I can’t do it. I love you guys, but I don’t have it in me. I just don’t have the patience. I have tried it before and ended straying off until I remembered to look at my outline. I just prefer to blindfold myself and dive into writing. Granted, I do take notes when I have an idea that comes through my head. But that’s about it. I just can’t do the whole outline thing.

Now, I am not saying that outlining is bad or stupid. You can make outlines for your work for yourselves. I’m just saying that it’s not for me. I am just a pantser by nature. (With some notes on the side.)

How about you? Do any of you beautiful people do outlines? Let me know. I am curious to hear. While you’re at it…

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I Need to be More Productive

I feel like I need to stop being lazy. I am getting old and bored. I am trying but I need to try harder. There isn’t much change to talk about this week. I just need to find another job to make more money. I am just about caught up with my podcasts. I will start making dinner next week.

I have started on season one of Ainori Love Wagon Asian Journey on Netflix. Basically, it’s just seven singles from Japan, three women and four men, who travel Asia on a pink bus and look for love with each other. So far, it is a little bit hard for me to keep up with what’s going on. Partly because I am more focused on my laptop than the TV. (It’s in Japanese and subtitled and I am busy with work on Celty.) Maybe when I am away from the TV and to watch on my laptop I might focus on it better.

That’s about it for this week. I will try my best not to be so lazy from now on. While I do that, you can…

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All April and No Fools

Well, we made it to April. Tomorrow, I will end Flame of Love. I plan to finish The Bisexual on Hulu this week too.  (I’m already halfway through anyway. So far, it’s been pretty good. Maybe I might do a review of it later. I will have to see.)

Now, I am working on Camp Nanowrimo. I am going to add more to this book I started last year started Circle of Friends. I don’t think I will get much of it done this month, but that’s cool. Camp is in April and July. So, I will try and get as much done this year. Wish me luck.

Things are still going good for me. I feel like I just need something new. Probably why I plan to watch about five or six things this month. It might be a little bit more depending on how things go. I might pick up something new along the way.

Other than Camp, there is Earth Child this year again. Plus, I will be working on Suburban Island II. There is a short piece I started on in February that I put on pause for The Month of No Gods. I will pick that up again this week. Plus, there is going to more City Lounge: New York this week too. Other than that, there isn’t much else to say tonight. So…

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March is Busy!

Work has been consuming my time, but everything is going well. Today alone was long, but the payoff will be gone. I really need to work on time management. Especially from last week.

Meanwhile, I will try to wrap up Okami this week. I was supposed to have ended it last week, but I ran out of time. This week will be different. The rest of the month will be just as busy. I don’t know what work will hold. But, I will try to finish up a story that I failed to finish last year. So far, I got one chapter completed.  That’s about it.

I don’t know what it is with me since March started. I keep running out of time. I need to stay focused and get back into gear on time. I don’t know how to do that, but I’m working on it. But for now…

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Happy New Year!

Goodbye 2018! It’s been so long, but you had to go. You were a little bit better than 2017 even through your darkest moments. Still, I got some series and stories completed. I wanted to get this out a little bit earlier, but here we are.

I will set small monthly goals for myself this year. I will be finishing up some works as well. This time, I will try and get edited and published more. (Hopefully, by a traditional publisher.) I might even try to get a publishing agent. Plus, I will pick up another job as well. So many plans for 2019. Let’s just hope it all sticks.

Happy New Year and may 2019 bring out the best in you!

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Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays

Ah, Christmas Eve! The time before Christmas itself. How is everyone doing? I am doing great. My septic tank got fixed and I can use the water in my house again. I baked cookies for my grandfather and myself. I got to eat a good Christmas Eve dinner. And I have been busy writing.

I can’t wait for tomorrow. I can’t wait to see the looks on my family’s face when they see their gifts from me. Plus, we are having Asian food for dinner tomorrow. I will be posting special Christmas goodies with my work tomorrow too.  Look forward to it. I will make one more blog in 2018 next Monday. Look forward to that too. For now, good night, wait patiently for Christmas, and…

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