Top 200 Fav. Couples (End)

Here we are to the end at last!

10. Chris + Jal (Skins)
This is the only true canon couple that I like so far on the show. They seem to be the most stable out of everyone else. He started out as an immature party animal. She was a princess who knew future and didn’t take crap. Then, he lost everything and turned to her for help. Under a promise to loosen herself up some and for him to stop saying, “F**k it!” all of the time, he got a job and a place to live. As a result, they fell in love and became a couple. I loved them so much. Sure, they had their problems, but they managed to rise above in the end. It sucked that he had to die in the end. *Cries* Why did the writers have to go and kill him off in the end. *Cries harder*
9. Ritsuka + Sobui (Loveless)
They look so great together. Innocence and experience comes out to play here. Sobui really does love Ritsuka. But, the young boy doesn’t seem to believe him at all. He keeps trying to push the older man away again and again. But, yet Sobui stayed by him no matter what. They had plenty of moments that made me go, “Ooo!” and “Aw!” I am glad that Sobui decided to wait to deflower Ritsuka. The boy is only twelve for god sakes! He’s only a frinking child! They are pretty cute together though!
8. Emma + Fujisaki (Euphoria)
One of Euphoria’s sweetest couple. They are complete opposites of each other. Shouldn’t work out, right? But, she hit some rough times and lost everything. He gave her advice and made the same bet that Chris + Jal did. When Fujisaki came off of his perfectionist horse some and Emma rose up to the level of being a productive citizen of Japan, the two fell right in love with each other. A relationship followed after that. They had their problems, but they managed to work it out in the end. They stayed together until she died. Death is such a cruel mistress, isn’t it?
7. Haley + June (Red Bull)
This is a sweet little yuri love story for all. Again, innocence and experience plays a powerful role in this relationship. Haley and June met when while Haley was out shopping for shirts for her late husband, Nathan. She still was grieving for him. Then, Haley bumped right into June on the street. The young window fell attracted to the wild woman right away. But, Haley became confused because of it. June stayed patient beside of her and helped Haley come out of the closet as a bisexual. Their relationship has been stronger ever since.
6. Noizchild + Kohana (TZA Staff)
I have a sweet and naughty relationship with a mouse girl. She was a gift to me from Rob. Again, corrupting the innocent and innocence and experience plays heavily with us here. I keep wanting to tempt and corrupt little Kohana here. She is so sweet and loyal to me. I do my best to protect her when I can. However, there are some people that accuse me of using her. I think this is due to my behavior towards her sometimes. But am I really? I’m never telling you!
5. Tsuzuki + Anna (Ghost Doll)
Care for another cute little love story, anyone? Ten years ago, they met on a case where her father had been murdered. She saw the body and sank into sorrow. Tsuzuki had to take the sixteen-year-old away from the crime scene. They stayed out in the garden all night long. In the midnight hour, they shared a kiss together. At first, the love didn’t go anywhere after that. The case went cold and she went away to America. Ten years later, she came back to Japan to find out why her father was murdered. But sadly, she ended up murdered herself. Tsuzuki and Hisoka investigated her case. Tsuzuki went to go see the body. An old friend of Anna’s father gave the shinigami a Hell Stone bring Anna back from the dead. Tsuzuki used it and rescued her from being cremated alive. They reunited and fell in love. But now, they have few messes to clean up. But don’t worry. They can make it. Trust me!
4. Chuck + Ned (Pushing Daisies)
One of my favorite non-anime couples ever! They are so sweet it could rot out your teeth. But yet, they tease us with the love. They can’t have sex, they can’t kiss, and they can’t even really hold hands. Why? Because if he touches her, she will die! It was just wrong that she appeared naked before him in one episode. That was just teasing us! I want something so hot to happen between them, but it can’t. Just like I want to see more of them together, but I can’t. ABC canned the show. Darn them! That’s just cold!
3. Keiichi + Belldandy (Ah My Goddess!)
These two were made for each other. She is so good to him. He called and wished for her by an accident. A sweet and romantic relationship bloomed from there. Many elements want to tear them apart. But yet, this couple manages to rise above and survive in the end. They so innocent together. I keep wishing for some hot stuff to come along and happen to them. After that, maybe we can hear some wedding bells as well. *Keeps fingers crossed really tightly*
2. Aoi + Kaoru (Ai Yori Aoshi)
One more sweet love story for all. These two have been engaged for a long time since they were little kids. Even after all of these years and he left his family, she still stayed loyal to him. That’s love there my friends! She’s not a little whimp either. She had a quiet strength to her and will stand by her man and friends no matter what. They look so sweet and innocent together. Just like K1 + Bell, I keep hoping something sexy-hot will happen between Aoi + Kaoru. In the last manga, I’m happy to say, they finally got married! Yay!
1. Noizchild + Mosh (TZA Staff)
This is more of a shout-out, really. I love him and he loves me. Simple as that. We hooked up in the pilot of Aiko Suite. He just found me and it just… clicked from there. The love has been growing on ever since. Now, we do have some problems like normal lovers. Other girls for both of us in particular. But, we manage to rise above in the end. Love ya, my sweet and sexy little mousey!

Top 200 Fav. Couples (Pt. 19)

We’re almost done. Just bear with us.

20. Faye + Sakura (Tenshi Trail/Bunny Peep)
T.J. has flirted with this idea for years now. I can see why. They would look hot together. Sakura is so innocent and Faye is wild. I and the rest of the TZA staff just love the theme of corrupting the innocent. It’s like we’re the bees and it’s the honey. Faye seems to delight in tainting Sakura from time to time. Sakura being innocent seems to go along with it. They would work, but Faye would have to kill Spike first. (Just kidding! : P)
19. Susan + Mike (Desperate Housewives)
This is a cute little love story here. She had eyes for him since the pilot. But, she had to get through Edie first. But, Susan + Mike finally manged to get together during series one. They break up and get back together again constantly. It seems like they seem to say, “Let me deal with my own issues first and then I’ll come back to you.” He comes to her rescue many times. Even through dark secrets, conflict, her blunders, marriage and divorce, and other people, the love between theses two doesn’t seem to die at all. Now, I don’t know who Mike married in series 5 finale, but my money’s on Susan! It just has to be, damn it! It just has to be!
18. Catherine + Warrick (CSI)
When I first saw them, I thought that they would be great together. They seem to have a little thing for each other. They have shared at least to kisses through out the series. They did delight plenty of sweet little moments together for the world to see. When she nearly fell off of the off the side of the ditch and he caught her in “Down the Drain,” I kept cheering for them to kiss. (Darn the construction worker for interrupting everything!) I kept hoping that they were get together as a couple. But sadly, the writers didn’t do that. Warrick got married to someone else. But he divorced Tina by series 8. Became a pill addict and got killed by the undersherif. Catherine cried at his death as well as I did. Why?!? Why did they have to go and kill him off?!? That’s just wrong!!! *Cries*
17. Shuichi + Yuki (Gravitation/Euphoria)
This is where the inspiration for Nishi Kaze came from. Shuichi is a hyper-active dreaming drama queen. Yuki is cold moody and distant. Shouldn’t work out, right? But, it does so beautifully. Yuki’s charms won our favorite pink-haired drama queen right over. Even though the cold hearted kept trying to push him away, Shuichi wouldn’t give up because he loved Yuki. In the end, they formed a sweet and stable relationship. I kept it that way in Euphoria. Just as it should be!
16. Grissom + Lady Heather (CSI)
This is one of the best pairings in Las Vegas! When I first saw them together in “Slaves of Las Vegas,” I practically went, “Oooo! Grissom! You’ve got an admirer!” They looked hot together and the chemistry bubbled just right! Then, a case seemed to tear them about. But even so, they managed to get through it and send off high volts of chemistry off of each other. I really wanted to see them together. I would’ve been in happy land then. “Let Out All the Rest” hinted that something hot happened between them. Much better than him with that icky old Sara! *Pouts*
15. Jakob + Riza (Anaconda)
Born out of my annoyance with Royai. I figured, why not hook Riza up with a younger man? I feel in love with the results. They seem to be the only stable couple in the Anaconda fic series. Mind you, Esther, Jakob’s mom, keeps everything from being too perfect. Other than that, you have a typical love story here. Riza + Jakob started off as hot and heavy in volume one and the relationship stemmed from there. She kept it a secret at first and broke up with Roy for the young tasty mouse. A few Roy/Esther-endused trials later and Jakob + Riza are happily married and expecting their first child together. Isn’t love so sickening sweet?
14. J.D. + Turk (Scrubs)
Admit it, these two are gay! How gay are they? Look up homosexuality in the dictionary and you’ll see a picture of the together right next to the word. Carla knows it and J.D. + Turk’s song, “Guy Love” proves it. Mind you, I do love them together as a couple. They look so cute, you would probably go into a diabetic coma. If I had my way, the series finale would go, Turk: “Baby, I have a confession to make. I don’t love you. I’m in love with… J.D.!” Pretty, huh?
13. Nick + Cassie (Euphoria)
Bitterness and sweetness seem to go together so well, you know? These two play on that one so well. She’s just super sweet and he’s just spiteful to no end. But like Shuichi, she fought through and won him over. Believe it or not, Nick actually does care about the crazy little pretender a whole bunch. He cares in his own sick and demented way. When put together, you have a team of troublemakers on your hands. And that my friends, is a good thing to behold!
12. Spike + Sakura (Tenshi Trail)
This is one on T.J.’s sweetest couples ever written. She is a tenshi-chi and he is a bounty hunter. She came to look for her creator, Amadeus. Spike seemed to have feelings about her that he really couldn’t explain. In the end, he and Sakura fell in love and the mystery of Amadeus was solved. Sadly I must say, that some people can’t seem to grasp the idea that Sakura is an angel! So they mislabeled her as a “purity sue.” Hello! She’s an angel, people! Angels are supposed to be pure! Man, I can’t understand idiots at times! *Calms down some*
11. Jamie + Mel (Earth Child)
They have chased each other around for years. He had a crush on her since they were kids. She refused to pay him any attention at first. But then, he won her over. They ended up dating for years. He messed around on for a couple of times. They broke up and got back together over a number of times and years. But in the end, love won out. Their son, Micah, is living proof of this fact and their relationship. Hey, maybe we might hear wedding bells in their future. We’ll just have to see.

Top 200 Fav. Couples (Pt. 16)

50. Riley + Quinn (Vessel)
They are just a pair of outcasts. She has an alcoholic mother and a doopy brother and can hear thoughts. He gotten bitten by a Hell Bat and slowly turned into a mindless slave of Hell. She came along and tried to help him survive. She gave him some of her blood to do so. Now, they are together and in love. But yet, Melissa doesn’t want them together. So, Riley and Quinn now have her, the devil, and the rest of Hell against them. Good luck with that one!
49. Jack + Gwen (Torchwood)
Here is another cute couple. This certainly have the chemistry. He likes everybody. Guys, girls, anything. If he fancies you, he fancies you. He certainly seems to fancy her big time. But sadly, she is married to Rees. But, it could work out some however. Jack, Ianto, and Gwen could all get together and have a nice little threesome. Don’t worry, Rees can join in if he wants. Wouldn’t hurt to have a look.
48. Nicole + Shawn (Euphoria)
I based them off of Passico and one of his mistresses. Shawn is a young Goth artist who has an annoying girlfriend on his arm. Then, Nicole came along at the student bar in Tokyo Cram College. Shuichi dared Shawn to chat her up. Shawn did so and won her over. A steamy affair ensued. She even became his muse. Now, they have become Japan’s notorious hot Goth couple.
47. Charlie + Jackie (Hotel Babylon)
She lusted him in the first episode. I just knew they would hook up at some time. They finally did later in the pilot. They continued to date throughout all of series one. They delivered plenty of hot moments to us. I have no idea what happened, but they had been broken up by the time series two began. He went onto Rebecca, but that didn’t last long either. He seems to get a woman, but yet can’t keep her. Better luck time when BBC America finally gets the rest of the series here. Damn them for holding out on us! That’s just wrong, man! That’s just man!
46. Sanosuke + Eva (Samurai Sushi)
Amethyst just thought about pairing him with a little thing. Initially, he had no interest in her in the first place. But other time, she won him over. The sparks fired up right away. She seems to mirror his past in a sense. So, she can understand where he is coming from almost. They fight side by side of each other in different battles. She’s getting stronger and he helps her out in the process. To be honest, it looks better than him with Megumi
45. Christina + Bruke (Grey’s Anatomy)
Here is the original pairing of the GA world. They seemed to be the poster couple of modern relationships. She didn’t want to commit to him at all. But, he managed to stay there for her no matter what. They certainly have been through so much. She lost their baby and didn’t want to move in with him. They were so close to marrying. But then, Isaiah Washington screwed up his career by calling T.R. Knight a f*gg*t and got fired. Too bad too. I really liked Bruke + Christina together. *Sigh*
44. Ando + Ami (Euphoria)
They are mostly seen in the “Lost Euphoria” part of Euphoria. She came to Japan for the first time when she was fifteen. She ran right into him and he tried to hook up with her. So far, it all failed. But he didn’t quit. They seemed to almost be together now. But then, a shocker twist came. Ami turned out to be Alfie’s younger cousin from South Korea. That seemed to slow everything down. But then, Ami still wanted Ando. Their relationship picked up from there. In fact, he went with Kat and Alfie to reunite with her after he finished with school.
43. Jacilyn + Jean (Anaconda)
This relationship just started out as lust. She didn’t even have an interest in him. But when she found out that he had lousy luck with the ladies, she changed her mind. She seduced and shagged him. To her surprise, he made her come first and for real. From then on, she had to have him more and more. They formed a relationship together and moved in as well. Now, they are engaged. She didn’t want to be commited. But he worked her over and here they are now. Yay!
42. Kenshin + Kaoru (Rurouni Kenshin)
Come on, everyone can actually see them together. I saw it the first moment that I saw them on the screen. I kept cheering them on to kiss at least once. They seemed so nice and innocent for a long time. They do get married and have a son later on. Sadly, I haven’t seen that yet. Cartoon Network stopped running this anime. But fear not, I *will* track down the series and finish it. You watch!


41. Edward + Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Here is another obvious pairing. I kept hoping they would kiss too. They do the typical fighting thing in anime. It’s all just a front of their true feelings. She really does care about him and is really happy when he comes home for repairs. I have them together in my fic as well. And naturally so. But yet, the growing situation with Edward creates problems with their relationship. However, Derdra helps Winry to not give up and help Edward survive his corruption to get back to the light again. That’s love there, my friends.

Top 200 Fav. Couples (Pt. 8)

130. Yamato + Jenny (Queen Megan)

This came in response to all of the Yamato + Mimi pairings I kept seeing. (What the hell were those people thinking?! Yuck!) Anyway, I just decided to stick good old Yamato with a cool rebellious OC girl. Stick them with some twins and a baby and I was set. Even more so when the writers stuck Yamato with Sora. What the hell were they thinking there?! That’s even worse than Yamato + Mimi! Ew!

129. Tom + Diana (Waiting for God)

Let’s face it, bad little old people rock! These two are living proof of that fact. She wrecks havoc upon Bayview and he happily helps her out. They started out as friends. Then, they slept together. Soon, they fell in love. He almost even married her. But, Tom changed his mind for her sake. Either way, these two rock in everything they do. Nough said!

128. Adam + Sakura (Sweetheart)

Ana’s really toying with the idea at the moment. They did seem pretty in a dorky sense. She does seem jealous of his current girlfriend, Carmen, but Sakura denies everything and says that she and Adam are just friends. However, one has to wonder as the story goes on. I can’t give much away, because Ana’s not done yet. So, we’ll have to see.

127. Chikira + Kokan (Dreamland)

They might not be a full-on couple. Miho doesn’t fully know yet. But, he is all the way on team Tokaji. He does have a crush on her. Chikira is slowly learning to trust him. They would look pretty cute together. But, Chikira is fighting a battle with her Yumo-no-Muso. And then what after that? We’ll just have to stick around and find out. Meanwhile, let your imaginations her all the fun for the time being.

126. Kat + Alfie (Euphoria)

I based these two off of Kat and Alfie from Eastenders. Kat Inoue was a wild tart who didn’t seem to care much about being a mother to her son. Then in year four after she divorced her jailed husband, Alfie came along to con some people in Tokyo. Ando caught on and blackmailed Alfie into dating Kat. Must have paid off though. The two ended married with a little baby girl in tow. Alfie must have done something right there.

125. Katherine + Duncan (Sweetheart)

Again, I heart cougars!!! All hail the all-mighty cougar. My appreciation for them shows in this couple. She is a forty-something boss of the magazine company, Beach Radio, divorced from her abusive husband with two grown daughters in college. He is her employee who is old enough to be her son. In order to distract her his best friend’s growing relationship with Pete, Duncan had to seduce Katherine. A beautiful relationship formed from there. Others may hate, but who cares about them?

124. Yusuke + Cat (Hip-Hop Geisha)

They started out as a suggestion to Amethyst by my intern, Bemmer. Ever since then, Amethyst has been toying with the idea. Cat feels out of place because of her mixed background. Yusuke just feels misunderstood. So together… You do the math people! Amethyst currently is taking a break from the series. But when she gets back, something hot should hot if we all wait. *Wink*

123. Parker + Hardison (Leverage)

I love interracial couples along with cougars. Both rock! Parker and Hardison look like they have some rich potential between them. Oh how writers like me just love to play on the sexual tension in stories. These two show it on and off throughout the whole show. I just keep hoping that one of them will make the first move. Then again, Parker + Elliot would be nice too… Pretty nice love pairings to go with.

122. Leo + Kana (Leo and Kana)

A simple love story here. She falls in love with this troubled boy and watches over him closely. This goes on for months. One day, he is shot and killed. So, she lies on top of his dead body as a way to spend the last moments of his life with him before his soul pasts to the other side. However, she falls asleep on his body. Next thing she knows, she wakes up sharing his body. Plus, she doesn’t know how to get in or out. So now, they have to find a way to separate again. (And maybe find love together along the way…)

121. Miho + Andi (TZA Staff)

This is TZA’s cutest lesbian couple. Their relationship is an interesting to examine and dig into. Miho seemed more wild in the beginning. She cheated on Andi with men and women. Andi couldn’t take it and nearly committed suicide because of this. But after Polly sorted Miho out, the girls gradually became stable. Now if only we could get Takeo out of the picture and we would be good there.

Top 200 Fav. Couples (Pt. 6)

150. Noriko + Kenji (Sweetheart)

He treats her like an adult. She loves him to the fullest and wants to be a real woman under him. Her friends and parents all worry about her being with him. But despite all of the fun and rough stuff, Kenji loves and cares for Noriko fully. He may be a bad boy, but he’s a good man at heart. She feels the same for him as well. What a powerful love there.

149. Don + Jessie (Anaconda)

They are so cute beyond belief! He is a big child and she just can’t help but to love him in return. They started with adultery behind his first wife, Tasmin’s, back. Then, Jessie became pregnant. Tasmin found out and divorced Don. Then, he got transferred North. Years later, Don and Jessie reunited and he chased her around until she agreed to come back to him. Their son, Sam, keeps them together after so long.

148. Lucas + Lexie (Euphoria)

Here is a strong relationship here. She suffers from Dissociative Indentiy Disorder and he tries his best to help her. He seems to be overprotective of her. But with good reason, no doubt. Lucas just wants Lexie to be safe and to get fixed again. She in return trusts him with all her heart and loves him dearly. He is the first guy that she could ever trust outside of her box built over the first fifteen years of her life.

147. Tot + Nagi (Weiss Kreuz)

I rarely think much about villain couples. But, they looked pretty cute in a way. They both wanted to take down Weiss. But he and his group wanted to take out her group. (Seems like Romeo and Juliet to me.) They seemed to be killed at the end. Youji laid them beside of each other in a sweet way and said that they should be together. However, that wasn’t the end. He died again and she’s all alone now. Bummer!

146. Murdoc + Dolly (Gorillaz)

I just basically thought of a trashy match for the Satanic bassist of the animated band, Gorillaz. Dolly is like a female version of him. She is dirty and pretty damn proud of it too. Together, they make dark corrupt music. She isn’t afraid to out the all-mighty bassist in his place either. Just what he needed to. You go girl!

145. Travis + Anika (Anaconda)
 He started out as a cold tyrant. But then, the boys of the military decided to get him a date. Enter Miss Anika the prostitute. They paid her to date and sleep with the divorced commanding officer. She did her job and ended up falling in love with him. The woman even told him the truth and gave back the money to Roy and the boys. Travis was angry at her at first until he learned how much money she gave back. They have been dating ever since.
144. Aya + Sakura (Weiss Kreuz)
 Oh come on, they looked soooo cute together. She was the victim of one of their targets. He took care of her while protecting her. Sakura developed a crush on the silent cutie. But he never really showed any interest in her. But yet, because Sakura looked like his younger comatose sister, Aya-chan, Aya cared for her somewhat. Drat, I was at least hoping for one little kiss. Just one! Oh well…
143. Taichi + Ellie (Queen Megan)
 This is more of tragic love story. In the beginning, they really loved each other. But after they got married, it all started to break down. Taichi and Ellie fought all of the time. He even slapped her in the face one time. They tried to make it work, but it just failed in the end. Ellie found out that she was pregnant. But afraid of what her husband would think, she kept it to herself. But then, she nearly lost the baby and died after childbirth. So sad and Taichi did love her too.
142. Kotha +Myu/Lucy (Elfen Lied)

Here we have a sweet couple here. Myu/Lucy just wants to be close Kotha. She will do anything to protect him. She fell in love with him when he took her in. He is very kind and loving to her as well. Even though she killed his sister and father, he still forgave and loved her. It is unclear however whether or not she made it all the way back to him after the war with the government officials that were after all. I’m hoping that they did and had a happy ending.

141. Takeru + Hikari (This Ugly Yet Beautiful World)

Here is yet another cute couple for everyone. He found her in a tree and brought her home with him. They look so innocent together. I wanted something hot and spicy to happen between them. I won’t know if it that would happen, because the stupid people at Time Warner on Demand messed up on putting up the episodes, so I fell off. But lucky for me, I have found the episodes on the internet. So now, I can get caught up again. Yay!

Top 200 Fav. Couples (Pt. 2)

 190. Flack + Jessica (CSI: NY)
When I saw them kiss for the first time, I was like “Oooo!” Yes, Flack was finally getting some! He’s such a pretty man too. Oh, those blue eyes. Anyway back to the subject, Jessica and Flack looked pretty cute. And when they started to get it on, I cheered again for them. But sadly, she died this year. Such a bummer too! *Sigh*

189. Ella + Malachi (Hex)
For a moment, they looked hot. A demon and witch getting it on, tasty if you ask me. He was to bring about the end of days and she was to kill him. Sleeping with the enemy makes for a great plot. But alas, it’s not meant to be. They are enemies after all! But for that short while, something hot actually happened!

188. Nately + Kathleen (Anaconda)
I based them off of Tim and Dawn of the UK version of The Office. He is a soldier of the Amertis army and she is the daughter of the warlord. He had a crush on her, but she’s engaged to duke. All kept a secret until a drunken Madeline blurted it all out at Elshya’s birthday party. From there, they hooked up. Let’s see what happens next, shall we?

187. D.L. + Nikki (Heroes)
They have been through so much. Mob, debts, jail, alternate personalities, saving the world, and a kidnapping. But as D.L. put it to his wife, “You’re not getting rid of me!” He proved that until his death. Such a sad thing too, but she’s reunited with him in death. Aww….

186. Little Mo + Billy (Eastenders)
She needed to get away from her abusive monster of a husband, Trevor. Billy became Mo’s safety net. Once she got out of jail for defending herself, Billy gave her a place to stay and they fell in love. Even though Trevor tried to break them up, love still won in the end. Billy and Mo got married on Christmas day 2002. Looked like a happy ending, yeah? Unfortunately, Graham Foster saw to that otherwise when he raped her and got her pregnant. The marriage ended there. But they remained friends.

185. Damon + Carole (Anaconda)
Even though he cheated on her many times already due to Ai-Oni’s poison, Carole still took Damon back. It all seemed good from there. But then, the poison became activate again. Afraid of hurting her again, Damon left Carole to sort himself out. But, she’s not willing to let him go that easily. Carole wants to help him get through this time. Now, that’s love!

184. Ben + Nina (Reaper)
After the whole Sarah fiasco, Ben got a bunny and accidentally attracted a pretty demon named Nina. They looked pretty cute together. Sure they had their moments, but they pulled right there. Sock and Sam had their suspisions about her because of demons trying to kill Sam due him being the devil’s son. But it all turned out good. Too bad the show’s canned now. I would have loved to see more! Tee-hee!

183. Hiro + Ayeka (Gravitation/Euphoria)
Once she lost Yuki to Shuichi, Ayeka seemed to turn her attention to Hiro. I think they looked kind of cute and something *could* happen between them. That’s I kept them together in Euphoria. (Hey, I don’t break up cannon couples, okay? So sue me!)

182. Patrick + Carmelita (Dirty Sexy Money)

He loved the traine so much. Patrick even cheated on his wife for her. They went through so much and managed to survive. After it became clear that Patrick loved Carmelita over Ellen, the wife went postal and chased off the tranie mistress. Ellen became a drunk and tried to kill Patrick in the shower. It ended up with her dying by accident. Patrick tried to go public with his relationship with Carmelita. But sadly, she was murdered by Ellen’s brother. That sucked. I found Pat and Car’s relationship to be an interesting one.

181. Ella + Leon (Hex)
Here is another good pairing from the British show, Hex. They have been through so much, but managed to pull through in the end. Ella tried to put love aside and focus on the mission, but in the end her heart won out. Too bad we won’t get to see anymore of their love because the show’s been canned since ’05. Bummer! And it was so good too!

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